Our Methodology

We’re passionate about helping you find the best possible web host for your business. We believe in staying objective and accurate. Our reviews and scoring are based on gathered data about the following:


With the number of hacking and phishing attempts increasing every year, your web host should keep your website data safe – because that means keeping YOU safe.


Your web host should keep your website live with extremely minimal downtime. This means keeping up with industry-standard uptime guarantees, no matter what.

Value for Money

Web hosting should be affordable and accessible, even if you’re just getting started. We believe pricing should be up-front, so you know exactly what you’re getting into.

Customer Support

Building a new website can feel like an adventure for everyone. No matter how much you know, you’ll need customer support, so you’ll need a web hosting company that can have your back 24/7.

How we do our research

We carefully study each of the hosts we provide reviews for to determine and measure how well they meet our criteria. We look beyond what the web host advertises and do an in-depth analysis to ensure accurate, unbiased reviews. 

We also thoroughly examine each company’s reputation as a hosting provider – what are customers saying about them, and are they happy with their service? We evaluate each host meticulously so that we’re confident our scores and reviews paint an accurate picture.


Our scoring springs from multiple factors like web host’s performance, the quality to price ratio, reliability and customer support.

We take into account user reviews coupled with our own testing, and that’s exactly how we provide informative and in-depth feedback on web hosts.


Hand Picked For Every Use Case

We made sure to cover all the most popular hosting use cases and are working daily to test and feature only the best options for you to choose from!
